Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everybody! Yes, I decided to dress up the pups. I found these super cute costumes at Target and was so excited to put them on Moose & Maui. But. . . they turned out to be waaaay too big and the store didn't have any smaller sizes left. So after much running around trying to find the smaller size, I settled for the big size for their halloween photo shoot. The costumes are so big that they won't be able to wear them tomorrow because they can't walk in them, but it was fun to snap some pics and laugh at how cute they were. For those of you who have tried to take good pictures of active dogs, you know its hard. . .well. ..trying to get good photos of two silly pups with costumes on is even harder!! :-)Here's what I came up with. . .
Maui is a Ladybug and Moose is a Chicken :-)

My little bug. . she looks very nervous, but cute!
Moosie the Chicken . . he was not happy about the hat :-)

1 comment:

Bethany G. said...

That is TOO stinkin cute! I love it!! Did they get to go trick or treating too?