Monday, January 19, 2009

Ouch! Lil Miss Broke a Nail

Miss Maui had a bit of a rough day yesterday, she broke a nail for the first time - quite painful for a little pup. We were on our way home from snowmobiling in NH when we noticed she had bent her nail back, and lets just say beginning of our trek home was a bit bloody :-( We stopped at a pharmacy, got some gauze and antibiotic cream and continued on our 6 hour trip home. Maui was such a trooper! When we got home, she let us cut off the severed part of the nail and bandage it all up with no more than a little grunt - quite a toughie she is :-)
Here's a couple quick shots of the little monkey and her injured paw



e. broderick photography said...

Poor, sad!! She is such a good girl!! Good thing it wasn't Moose!

Orchard Cove Photography said...

Poor little thing! That is no fun at all. Strider has been having goopy ears for months so we are finally having him put under on Friday to have his ears fully cleaned :( Hopefully this will work and give us a clean slate to continue and try to solve the problem....never fun when pets are suffering!

Traci @ Tru Blu Photography said...

I know, doesn't it make you feel so bad! They're our babies!

Anonymous said...

awwwwee poor pup.. that realy hurts!!